Monthly Archives: May 2013

Our Summer Bucket List

It’s been a long time. I don’t know why I haven’t written – I probably just haven’t made time for it. Since we hit the 1 year anniversary of Lizy passing away things have been good – still hard – Mother’s Day was, well… yeah. But things have been more good than not and for that I am grateful. I figure as long as the good days largely out number the bad days then we are in pretty good shape.

School let out last Thursday – which is really early – and won’t be back in session until after Labor Day – which is really late. For the first time ever I was dreading the summer. I was SO worried about how I was going to keep everyone happy & occupied for an extra month – the kids are always excited to get back to school at the end of the summer and with an extra month I was pretty worried.

I think a large part of what was bothering me was that this is going to be my first “un-numb” summer. Last year I barely remember the summer other than our trip to Nauvoo and what we did for 4th of July. We were all in a daze of trying to cope without Lizy. Now we’ve been coping for a little over a year – but a summer without her and all the numbness gone was a little scary, honestly. So, after much prayer, and a blessing from my husband, we decided that this is going to be the BEST summer we have ever had!!

Yesterday I sat down with the kids and made a list of all the things we wanted to do this summer – the trick was they had to be low on cost (free if possible) and most of them not too far away because of gas prices.

Here’s our list:

Make a Pinata

Play in the kiddy pool & slip ‘n’ slide (LOTS)

Have a lemonade stand

build something out of wood (preferably with dad)

Do a cookie ring ‘n’ run

Memorize scriptures

have a cookie day

have some culture days

have a Lizy and Grandpa remembrance day

go canoeing

go to the splash park

Walk the purple people bridge

got to the art museum

go to Krohn’s Conservatory

attend a concert in a park

go to Parky’s Farm

attend at least 1 library activity

go to the outdoor gardens at the creation museum

Swimming at the lake

Dance in the rain


have a puppet show

set up the teepee and play cowboys & indians

go to the zoo (we have a pass)

have a movie night

Kids plan and make dinner night


pirate day

Build a pillow and blanket fort

craft day

go to Farbach Werner nature preserve

car wash

go to a park – especially new parks or ones we haven’t been to often

go to Jungle Jims

Games – board games, outdoor games – badmitten, croquet, etc.

Water Balloon Fight

Art Day

go to Air Force Museum in Dayton

Write Letters

Finger Paint

Feed Ducks

Backyard camp out

Take Crazy Photos

Paper Mache puppet heads

picnic lunch with Dad

Wagner Family Summer Olympics

Make Water  Noodle Lightsabers

And the list continues to grow!  So, we are gearing up for loads of fun!

Some of our bigger things that we’d like to do if we have the opportunity/funds –

Go to Hocking Hills

Go to Red River Gorge

Got to Pennsylvania

So, be prepared for lots of stories and pictures (I hope anyway) of all the fun we are having!!!


Filed under Miscellaneous