Monthly Archives: April 2020

Poetry Month!

April has begun! And with that comes National Poetry Month & my friend’s AWESOME challenge to write a poem everyday. She has a fabulous blog where you can play along and learn a new poem form (or refresh and old) every day!! It’s never to late to start & you can always just hop in or even play catch-up! Here is yesterday’s since I didn’t get it posted!

First, the link to her instructions for Day 1 – She chose the Japanese form Dodoitsu. One thing I love is that she not only gives instructions, but the history of the form as well! Super cool!

Before I post my little poem, I want to give a little head nod to my dad – he inspired this one! When we were little he’d made up a cute little rhyme about two little fingers looking for a tickle. His fingers would walk up and down our arms or legs until he “found it!” and tickled us. Oh, we just loved it. And, of course, I’ve passed it on to my kids. So, here is my Dodoitsu, inspired by my father’s rhyme:

Two little fingers walking
all about, looking for that
silly spot, hiding ’bout… here!
Giggle, giggle, squeak!


PLEASE REMEMBER ~ any poetry found on this blog, written by me, is my personal property and may not be used without my permission, other than sharing it as an example in a lesson or to read it to someone. Thanks so much!

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Filed under Poetry, Writing


Hermana Wagner returned home last week on Wednesday night to many hugs and squeals of joy (and a cute chalk drawn Hei hei by Em) and more than a few tears too – mostly on her part because she so wanted to stay on her mission in Mexico, but it has been wonderful to have her home and safe. After a week of living the missionary life here at home, we found out that all missionaries who returned to their homes would be released and then recalled & sent back out later when things cleared up. So, amid a few more tears, she was released yesterday afternoon.  In the meantime, we are enjoying our full family 2-week quarantine and so far we’re all healthy. Hoping we can stay that way and praying so many prayers for all those who are fighting this illness & touched by it. When we know that she’s headed out again, we will let you all know!

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Filed under Dot, Religion