A Date and a Boot

We have a date for James’ surgery – October 15 at 10:30 am – of course we have to be there at around 9:00.  They’ll put him under and IV him. It should only take about an hour and  a half and once he wakes up we should be able to go back home -yippee!!!  Let’s hope that everything really is that straight forward and simple. 🙂


Elizabeth’s orthopedist appt. went well today.  It was a tough call between a severe sprain and a very slight fracture in a growth plate. So, since she can walk on it, they fitted her with a boot – at least she doesn’t have to hobble around on crutches.  Also, she only has to wear it for 3 weeks. If it is feeling better by then, then she can go to just an ace bandage type of deal and start soccer again – so at least she won’t miss all of soccer.


Filed under Children, James, Lizy

4 responses to “A Date and a Boot

  1. Boy, when it rains, it pours, eh? You amaze me at how much you are able to handle things.

    It sounds to me like Mummy needs a spa. You deserve it!!! HUGS!

  2. Karen

    Well, that’s some good news anyway. It must feel better all around to resolve a couple of areas of uncertainty. At least it allows you to plan. And yay for not having to miss all of soccer!

    Yes – much better. I don’t handle the unknown well – I like to know what I am dealing with. Even if it is bad news, at least then I can start to deal with it – and plan as you mentioned. And, we are thrilled that Elizabeth won’t miss all of soccer – in fact, as long as her ankle only takes those three weeks to heal, she will still play in a majority of the games. So we are very happy 🙂

  3. Wow, our lives are parallelling a bit right now. My Jacob is going to have knee surgery on October 15, as long as his heart cooperates and it doesn’t get to be a heart surgery, instead! Also, Stephanie has a crack in her growth plate, too, and she just started all her drill team (dance line) activities. I had never heard of it before, now I actually know someone else in the same boat! Just wanted to stop in and let you know I’m thinking of you!

  4. Wow, good news on the boot! That’s great that she wont miss the whole season! Good luck on the surgery in October!

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