Daily Archives: April 7, 2012

We prayed for a miracle and received four

Seven years ago at Easter time we were praying for a miracle. Our son Jacob had his heart surgery on that Easter Sunday.

This year, we were praying for another miracle. We were praying that our daughter Lizy was to remain with us. That miracle wasn’t granted, but in it’s place four wonderful marvelous miracles were.


Because of Liz

2 will receive sight

1 will walk again

and a baby will receive a heart valve needed to survive.

Lizy was one of the most caring and giving young women I have ever known and I am honored to be her mom. She would be happy knowing she has helped SO many. We love you Lizy.



Filed under Child loss, Children, Lizy, Miracles, Parenting

Elizabeth was c…

Elizabeth was called home to her Heavenly Father early this morning. She felt no pain and went quickly. Funeral arrangements will be posted once things are finalized. We thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers and they have been felt.


April 7, 2012 · 12:07 pm