Daily Archives: February 2, 2006

Burn Baby Burn!

I was late starting dinner.
“I have no time self, what shall I make for dinner?”
“Stir fry is always a good stand by, not to mention yummy, make that.”

I defrosted the chicken quick and dumped it in the wok flicking the burner on high. After it had cooked a bit I tossed in some ramen noodles (I didn’t want to wait for the rice to cook).

“Mamamamammaaaa.” Jacob had awakened and was crying. I left my chicken and noodles and hurried back to grab the baby. I gently lifted him out of the crib only to place my hand on his wet leaky bum.

“Ewww! Time to change you!” and I set to work changing his diaper and changing his clothes. Then I sat on the floor and play with him a bit.

“Ummm, self, did you forget something?”

“Oh, crud! The food!” I charged back to the kitchen, only to find a charred mangled mess sitting in the bottom of my wok, I had forgot I had left the burner on high. Frustrated and annoyed by the stench I wanted to sit on the floor and burst into tears.

My loving children pipe up, “That’s ok mom, we’re glad it burned! We didn’t want stir fry any way; we don’t like it.”

Oddly enough I just dissolved into giggles and we had a fine dining experience of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids and Marie Calendar meals for Paul and I.

This morning however, I was no longer laughing. I couldn’t get rid of the stench. I had thrown out the food and set the wok outside until I could scrub it clean, but to no avail it still stunk. After walking for an hour this morning I arrived back at my house and could smell it before even opening the door. It was so bad it smelled like we were smokers! I turned on the furnace fan and opened windows trying to get rid of the smell. I even went out and bought a candle. I think the stink is finally dissipating, thank goodness. I think it will be a while before I have enough stomach to try chicken stir fry again! lol 🙂


Filed under Children, Dot, Em, Goofs, Humor, Lizy, Parenting, Things Kids Say


I think I am an oddity. I friend brought her two boys over to my house today and we let the kids play. It was one of her first times to visit and for her boys to play.

“You have swords?” she asked rather surprised as her two boys and my two girls galloped through the house waving the plastic swords in the air.

“Why of course!” I replied. I was used to this kind of response when moms of boys come to play. They always seem so surprised that my girls play swords, match box cars, and tools. We have suits of armor, cow boy hats, and Indian head bands.

I have grown accustomed to hearing, “Wow! I wouldn’t expect you to have _______ with mostly girls!” And I think but these are the fun toys. As a child I would always choose the toy gun over the doll, or the sword over the barbie. How else will you play pirates, or Robin hood, and is it possible to play space and Star Wars with out light sabers? (which they are getting for their birthdays this year.)

So, I might be an oddity, but I bet my girls have more fun! 🙂


Filed under Children, Opinion, Parenting