Daily Archives: January 6, 2008

Ten Tiny Toes on Two Tiny Feet

Tiny Toes

Tiny Toes 2


Filed under Children, James, Photography

Link to Published Article

For those of you interested in reading my article that was published in the Ensign here is a link to the article. It is quite short as there is limited space in a magazine, etc. So don’t be surprised by its brevity. 🙂

The article is about an experience that my husband and I had while our son, Jacob, was in the hospital.  (If you are not familiar with Jacob’s story you can find a link to it on the side bar under heart kids)

For those of you who are not familiar with the publication, Ensign, it is a magazine that is published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 

Thanks everyone for your support and interest! 🙂


Filed under CHD, Heart, Jacob, Religion, TGA, Writing