Ice Cubes and the ER

Friday, Jacob decided he wanted an icecube–or maybe he was trying to be helpful as we got dinner ready. I had gone into Paul’s office to talk with him for a moment when I heard him start crying. A quick glimpse out the door told me something was wrong as I barely spotted him with blood on his face as he tore off to the bathroom.

Paul and I were hot on his trail, knowing that he would look in the mirror and panic. We didn’t catch him fast enough though. By the time we got to the bathroom he was wailing and terrified.

After a quick examination (and fast call to big sister for advice) we decided that he was going to have to stitches. The gash was a big one – he had fallen and bitten his lip – VERY badly. So I gave him some ice in a little towel, and whisked him off to the ER.

The ER visit was fast as most ER visits go – we were out after only a little over 2 hours. There was no wait in the lobby, though the nurse checking us in kept looking at us skeptically as though I was an unsavory character who didn’t look properly after her pre-schooler (never mind the fact that Jacob is a super active wiggly boy). Of course maybe it didn’t help that I wasn’t perfectly manicured and dressed to the nines. πŸ™‚

Anyway, we were, of course, grilled over Jacob’s heart history. This was his first ER visit since the day we raced in and discovered he had a heart defect. I now understand a little more when friends mention that ERs panic over heart patients, etc. It was obvious that he needed stitches. The doc worried about knocking him out because of risks and side effects with no cardioligist, etc. to grab if something went horribly wrong.

So, it was decided that they would do a local numbing and then, since it was only two stitches, he’d just stitch it up really quick. Looking back I probably could have insisted – I mean he’s been knocked out a bunch without any side-effects – but it’s hard to think clearly in ERs – *sigh* So, I’m afraid I put that poor boy through more trauma than was neccessary for just 2 stitches, but then I also understand the Doctor’s desire for caution…

Jacob was a champion though and did really well – considering. And he was awarded with a nice big milkshake on the way home.


Filed under Children, Jacob

9 responses to “Ice Cubes and the ER

  1. Yikes! I am glad they were able to get him stitched up ok though. I am amazed at how active my Jacob is compared to his sisters. These boys are trouble! πŸ™‚

  2. waaaiiit. Are you telling me that you weren’t watching your toddler’s absolute every move??? AND you didn’t doll up before the trip to the ER??? What kind of mother are you?!?! πŸ˜›
    Yeah, I’m amazed that my kids haven’t had any trips to the ER. Seriously, amazed. I’m glad they were able to stitch him up and everything was okay!

  3. I too have had to make many ER visits with my second child. Oh how I hate it. I never look good as its always at the worst possible time. I ususally have to have 3 kids with me as well because hubby is at work. I am glad tha he is o.k. sometimes I think parents are more tramatized than children.

  4. April Brewster

    Glad it wasn’t too bad and he’ll be OK soon. Little boys have an amazing way of getting into trouble quickly!

  5. I am glad it was not worse. Docs are super cautious with cardiac kids, it drives me nuts sometimes even though I do understand it.

  6. earwaxtasteslikecrayons

    Thank goodness it went so well! Those are the kinds of ER visits a parent likes to have (if you have to have them at all—)


  7. moniquel319

    Look on the bright side. He might have a cool scar to impress the girls when he gets older!

  8. I’m sure Jacob is much better by now-but those mouth and lip injuries are the pits-so touchy an area. Sorry he had to get stitches. My Sean busted his lip as a little boy, but not quite bad enough to need a trip to the ER. Years later, when he was trimming the hedges, (without wearing heavy work gloves) he almost cut the tip of one of his fingers off-he has a ‘u’ shaped scar there now. That was traumatic for a big boy!

  9. Hi Julia! I just saw your comment on my blog about my soon Braden’s Heart Story. Of course you can link us! I think the more heart Mom’s there are the better. I felt totally alone when I went through it and I love being there for other mom’s!

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