And the World Crashes

Spring Break.

Fun, sun shine filled days. Hikes, mommy daughter dates. Special shopping trips with my oldest girls.

Then the world crashed.

Emily was at a sleep over with a friend.

Lizy & Dot spent the morning playing with the boys and doing projects – cutting pictures from old magazines and making collages. Near lunch time, Lizy went to her room and Dot began making lunch. She went to fetch Lizy, and Lizy didn’t answer back. That was pretty normal. She’s 12 after all and prone to ignore her just younger sister.  I was in my room, waiting for Dot to bring Robert up so I could put him down for his nap. Dot felt prompted to check on her big sister again and did so.

She came running into my room screaming that she thought Liz was dead.

Liz and Emily had developed a game where they would tie both ends of a sheet to the top bunk and swing on it . One end had come untied and she had become tangled as she fell, with the sheet around her neck. I freed her, called 911 and began CPR.

She’s in the PICU now and it’s not looking so good. I can feel the prayers of everyone around me.

I try to be strong.

Sometimes it works.

Sometimes it doesn’t.

If you have loved ones you haven’t talked with a while. Don’t wait. Give your kids and significant others and extra tight squeeze tonight. Tell them you love them.

And, if you pray, please pray for my Lizy. And if you don’t, good thoughts work fine too.


Filed under Child loss, Children, health, Lizy

37 responses to “And the World Crashes

  1. april b

    We are praying for you and your family. We’ll be doing a fast for you this Sunday too. We love you! Hang in there!

  2. We're praying. We're fasting. We're sending all our good thoughts your way. I wish there was more we could do to help. I absolutely believe in the power of prayer and the actuality of miracles. I also know firsthand how ministering angels surround us when tragedy strikes. We love you all so much. (((hugs)))

  3. Hugs and prayers to you and your family!!!!!!

  4. mcinsane

    There is nothing that I can really say that will mean anything. So, I will just continue to pray.

  5. Julia, our prayers are with you, I can’t imagine what a nightmare this must be for you… Keep us all informed!

  6. My heart has been filled with nothing but grief for a week now. I didn’t know it could hurt any more. Of course we are praying for Liz, for you and Paul, for Dot, for all the kids. Praying for a miracle. Praying for comfort. Praying for healing. Praying for understanding of the Lord’s will in all this. We love you guys.

  7. We can’t fast Sunday but will fast for her on Saturday! Its amazing how a single moment can change your life forever. I will never forget the day my brother drowned, he spent 6 months in a coma and as you know was never the same again.
    We are thinking and praying for you and your family!

  8. We will pray too. Let Christ take your pain through the atonement. Its miracle is for times like this.

  9. Steve

    Praying for healing.

  10. Molly Bell

    Storming heaven with prayers

  11. Praying for your family. Hope you feel the love and spirit surrounding you in these hard days. Love, hugs and prayers from the Davis Family!

  12. Tracy

    prayers for you and your family and lots of extra hugs for my kids. I believe in miracles too 🙂

  13. Ranee Hansen

    I heard about this from the heart group I belong to. We are praying for your sweet Lizzy too! :0)

  14. Erika morron

    My heart is sad and I weep for a family I have never met. Tears don’t help so I pray. I pray that God grants a miracle and your daughter recovers. I pray that Mary, our holy mother, wraps your daughter in her mantle of mercy.

  15. I am so sorry. Prayers being offered, of course. Stay strong, and listen.

  16. Amy

    Praying hard for Lizy and your whole family!

  17. MelindaH

    Oh my goodness … every parent’s worst nightmare! You and Lizy are in my prayers!

  18. Oh Julia! We’ll be praying over here…

  19. Mandy

    Praying for your daughter, you, and your family. Miracles DO happen.

  20. Nicole

    Praying in New York.

  21. I’m am sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and your family!! ((HUGS))

  22. bjr

    Have been praying all afternoon!

  23. Praying for your sweet girl and your entire family. xoxo

  24. Been thinking about you all day. You are all in my prayers! *hugs*

  25. Margie and the gang

    We LOVE your family and are praying many heartfelt prayers for Lizy. We do believe in miracles.

  26. Mo

    I’m so sad to hear this. I’m crying and my heart aches for you. I don’t know you but that doesn’t matter, your pain is my pain. I’m so sorry! Please know that you are in my prayers. I know that nothing anyone can say can make you feel better. But know that you are being thought of and prayed for from one mom to another. Hugs.

  27. Carrie Conklin

    We have been praying constantly since thursday that if it is the Lord’s will that you will have a miracle and that no matter what you and your family will feel the Lord and His comfort. Thank goodness for the knowledge that families are eternal. We love you.

  28. theresasneed

    prayers…. and hope

  29. I am so sorry and sad for you. Tears here. My 8 yr. old dd loves to tie things up and I’m always finding her throwing a rope around something. I will definitely keep an eye out for her more so. I’m praying for you and your family, especially Lizy. ((HUGS))

  30. I don’t know your family but a dear friend of mine Kristen P.posted about your beloved daughter, I will pray for you and your family; May you find strength in the Lord

  31. Pingback: Thoughts Bouncing Around in my Head. « Deb on the Run

  32. Donna Gonzales

    I just read the e-mail Marsha Ward sent out that you lost your dear daughter to Heavenly Father’s care. May He bring you the comfort you need. I wish I could do something concrete for you, but praying for you and your family is all I can offer.

  33. Thank you for the reminder to give our loved ones a hug…may God give you peace during this difficult time. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. ♥

  34. Jen

    So sorry to hear about your loss.

  35. I stumbled upon your post, and I have cried my eyes out. My heart breaks for you and your family. I can not even begin to imagine what your family must be going thru. May God surround you with peace and comfort..

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