Random Friday Post A Day Early

I was all set to do better at writing regularly and keeping up on eveyone’s posts now that everyone was finally well, but then spring hit and I forgot how much time it takes to get the house back in order after everyone has been ill.


This week I have caught up on all the dishes and cleaned out the fridge (ie. the place where food goes to die), caught up on all the mounds and mounds of laundry, did all the typical weekly+ cleaning (bathrooms, kitchen, vaccuum, dust, water plants), unburried and organized our bedroom, and spent as much time in the yard working as kids and weather would permit (which wasn’t much).  Plus I have taught 4 piano lessons, taken Jacob to the doctor (2 yr well child), had two playdates at my house, gone grocery shopping, and costco shopping, and other miscellaneous errands.  So, there are my reasons for neglecting my blog and blog friends (sorry guys). 🙂


Elizabeth also started Softball this week.  She came home from school a couple weeks ago and shoved a bright green flyer into my hand, “Here mom, I’m interested in this.” The flyer was for park and rec softball.  She seldom expresses interest in things so we decided to let her go for it.  Tuesday evening she had her first meeting.  The did a skills clinic for 1 1/2 hours and boy was it chilly.  I shivered as I sat on the metal bleachers waiting for her to finish and the poor kid’s hands were frozen and bright red when she was done.  But she had a lot of fun.  She is definitely not the best kid out there, but neither is she the worst, and we’ll practice with her lots at home.  Paul is so excited. (I am too, but I think most dads are normally even more excited about playing sports with their kids than most moms are).  Once regular practices and games start I’ll be sure to post pictures of my little softball player.  🙂


Jacob’s well-child appointment today confirmed what we already new – that boy is huge!  He is in the 94% for his height and weight – one solid chunk of a two year old that kid. 🙂  He proved to be not quite as well as we hoped however.  The cough he had during the nasty cold a while back is persisting and now sounding worse.  The ped thought his lungs sounded rather hoarse and with Jacob’s procedure scheduled for Tuesday decided to perscribe him antibiotics to head things off just in case they got worse.  Typically he does do that, but circumstances being what they are, he went ahead with it, just in case it wasn’t just a cold.  Other than that though he is a healthy thriving, VERY active boy. 🙂


Potty training progress:  He will go potty just about every time we sit him on the pot.  He did one little stinky once, other than that he just tinkles every time.  Today he even told me he had to go “Stinky” (his word for everything at the moment) then he went to the toilet whacked the lid and started trying to undo his overalls.  So I hurried and got him situated and sure enough he went water in the toilet.  I’m so proud of my big boy. Not to mention estatic, I have never had any of my kids show interest in potty training this early, let alone actually making progress with it.  I’m still not holding my breath and figure we’ll be well into the summer before anything becomes official (if even then), but still the thought of no diapers in the house is just excitement beyond words. 🙂


Oh, I think I mentioned above – we have Jacob’s procedure to take care of the re-occuring pimple along his incision line scheduled for this coming Tuesday.  It’s supposed to be very minor, though they do have to sedate him for it.  Lucky us, we get to be there at 6:00 a.m. which means leaving home at 5:00 a.m.   I just know you are all jealous that I get to wake up at 4:15 in the morning for this one. 🙂  The girls are excited though because they get to each spen the night at someone’s house.  What excitement and adventure! 

I do have a favor  to ask though.  Will you all please pray that whatever this cold thing that Jacob has will not interfere with Tuesday’s appt? We really don’t want to have to reschedule it, and would sure appreciate the prayers.  Thanks. 🙂


Filed under Children, Every Day Life, Heart, Jacob, Lizy

2 responses to “Random Friday Post A Day Early

  1. Sending prayers and good wishes!

  2. What was Jacob’s height and weight? I’m curious to see if he and Dominic are close, seeing as they are so close in age (his birthday is April 4).

    I will definitely keep him in my prayers for Tuesday’s appointment. Let us know how it goes.

    Thanks for the prayers 🙂 I’m not so much worried about the procedure but that he won’t be healthy enough for it. So we are praying and keeping our fingers crossed that this cough/cold thing doesn’t get any worse through the weekend. 🙂

    In answer to your question, Jacob weighs 32 1/4 pounds and is 37 inches tall. How big is Dominic? I think it is fun that our boys are so close in age. 🙂

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