Happy Dance!

Gee, if these after Christmas surprises continue through 2007 we are in for a stellar year!

I had just finished mucking my way through an enormous pile of laundry and was industriously ironing Paul’s work shirts and pants when the phone rang. I punched the volume down on “Pride and Prejudice” and answered the phone.

It was Paul with an exciting surprise. He had been thinking of asking his employer for a raise but hadn’t found the right time. Today, they beat him to it. The President of the company asked to meet with him, and continued to congratulate him on all the work he had done. She praised his hard work and told him that he had done far more than they had originally anticipated and concluded by offering him a 10 % raise. Actually when all is said and done, it is just a bit over 10%.

We, of course, are estatic. We can put more in savings for that hypothetical house, which is starting to seem less impossible. 🙂 It also meant a lot to Paul that his efforts were recognized and rewarded. So, feel free to join me in a happy dance around the computer if you wish. 🙂


Filed under Every Day Life

13 responses to “Happy Dance!

  1. I’m doing it! Yay for Paul! How exciting! Congratulations!! .

  2. I don’t know what I just did back there. I put on either side of my words “happy dance” and I think I told my comment to do something. Oops! Told ya I’m not very computer savvy at all 😦 !

  3. That is a wonderful surprise!

  4. I am so happy for you Julia!!! Give Paul a big hug from all of us!

    Our raise this year was just around 3% hehe I really could have enjoyed a 10% raise!

  5. Wow! That’s fantastic! Doing a happy dance for you all. 😉

  6. Congratulations! That’s wonderful. A house is never out of reach…you can do it!

    (and Happy Delurking Week!)

  7. cara


    you’re so responsible, though. i automatically thought, “YES! A PONY!”

  8. Deb

    Congrats! I’m changing the addy to your new site on my blog tomorrow; I promise. Things, as usual, have been nuts.

  9. Congrats on a 10% increase in your wages…
    WOO HOO!! Must be doing a great job.

    Love your blog/website….
    curious… why did you switch???


    Heavenly Father is blessing you guys when you really needed it and least expected it! Great job!

  11. Woo Hoo! Congrats! It’s not often that one gets news that good! At least when it’s a raise.

  12. Big congrats!!! I’m sure it felt better that he didn’t even have to ask for it 🙂

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